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Name of Webisode:
Sheila and Clive, A Long Distance Love Story Part 4
Release Date: 26/03/20
Written by: Geoff Paine
Directed by: Matthew Stoddart and Bethany Simmons
Guests: Sheila Canning: Colette Mann
Clive Gibbons: Geoff Paine
Summary/Images by: Sayaka
Clive is outside his motel which is apparently quite basic. He tells her he's outside because people in the room next- door are getting it on(!)
SHEILA: You did say your New Year's Resolution this year was to have more fun and less work.
CLIVE: Yeah...I'd rather have it than hear it.
SHEILA: Yeah, well I've got some fun for you when you get back home!
She asks how his brother's birthday went.
CLIVE: Oh, you know how it is...you can pick your friends but not your family...we seem to be caught in this cycle. Meet, greet, eat...fight.
SHEILA: Well, I am going to change the Canning cycle this year once and for all. Share everything and hang on to the ones you love.
CLIVE: Cannings aren't know for being shy.
SHEILA: No, Clive, the Cannings are cursed. The women make the homes, the men break them! Amy has gone off to New York and Kyle is all over the shop!
CLIVE: Christmas and New Years can stir up a lot of things. Not all of them good.
SHEILA: Sorry, love, I know you've got some memories around this time.
CLIVE: Anyway, we've got each other, we've got our health and we have a cheeky bottle of red that I happened to purchase from a winery up the road.
Sheila tells him that her other New Year's Resolution is no drinking for a year! But she's just joking.
Clive suddenly looks around - he's trying to hear if his hotel room neighbours have stopped having sex(!)
SHEILA: Just put on some bagpipe music, that'll kill any mood.
CLIVE: I don't want to stop anybody having fun, that's my thing this year.
SHEILA: ...and getting these calls right.
CLIVE: Oh, yeah, that.
Sheila starts banging on about ending the call correctly in case they never saw each other again.
SHEILA: Imagine if you got run over by a bus on your way home, and I'd hung up on you, how would I feel?!
CLIVE: Better than I would!
Clive sighs.
CLIVE: I love you.
SHEILA: No, you have to wait for us to say it together. One...two...
CLIVE: I love you.
SHEILA: Wait for three.
CLIVE: OK, sorry.
SHEILA: One...two...three...
SHEILA: Good! So now we can...
But Clive has hung up.
SHEILA: He hung up.
Clive Gibbons, Sheila Canning  in Neighbours Webisode Sheila and Clive, A Long Distance Love Story Part 4
Clive Gibbons, Sheila Canning

Clive Gibbons, Sheila Canning  in Neighbours Webisode Sheila and Clive, A Long Distance Love Story Part 4
Clive Gibbons, Sheila Canning

Clive Gibbons, Sheila Canning  in Neighbours Webisode Sheila and Clive, A Long Distance Love Story Part 4
Clive Gibbons, Sheila Canning

Clive Gibbons, Sheila Canning  in Neighbours Webisode Sheila and Clive, A Long Distance Love Story Part 4
Clive Gibbons, Sheila Canning

Sheila Canning  in Neighbours Webisode Sheila and Clive, A Long Distance Love Story Part 4
Sheila Canning

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